
Facebook Tutorial

Page history last edited by Kevin Gilchrist 16 years, 6 months ago

Facebook is very popular Web 2.0 tool which started out as a communication tool for university students at Harvard. It seems that nowadays a lot of people have Facebook accounts and there is a lot of reasons for this popularity.

If you don't have Facebook my advice is get on Facebook. Now. Then make me your friend. When you go to Facebook you will have to register and set up an account (it's free). You'll have to enter some personal details, such as your user name, your full name, your e-mail address, you'll also have to enter a password. Last, but not least, you'll have to enter a word into a word verification tool. Then you're ready to go! Then make me your friend. No really.


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 I'm excited about using FaceBook, click on the Facebook logo below to be taken to the website:


Go back to the Tools and Tutorials page.



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