I have saved bookmarked a number of resources on del.icio.us. These resources include some information related to open learning environments and web 2.0.
Del.icio.us is a web based application that enables you to bookmark stuff on the web. You have probably heard the term “Social Bookmarking”. Social bookmarking occurs when individual share their bookmarks with one another.
To view the bookmarks that may have some relevance to our assignment”
1 . Go to Del.icio.us
2. In the search bar enter our course code, eder 679.09.
3. You should be able to access links to 6 or 7 information sources.
If you want to create your own account you can find information on the delicious home page. Just make sure to use the “eder 679.09 tag” when you save information, so that all of our information is lumped together when we do a search.
Comments (1)
ms.munroe said
at 7:19 pm on Jul 8, 2008
Ok I just tagged a page for class on del.icio.us - the free technology page is an awesome page I've bookmarked before.
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